Seattle mayor

Final Analysis: Political Pointers
What Seattles 21 mayoral candidates should do to win the primary.
Perhaps you have heard. Twenty-one people want to be mayor of Seattle. Actually, there may be even more people who want to be mayor, but 21 have formally filed to have their names placed on the primary election ballot next month. The top two finishers go head to head in November. Why anyone would want…

Executive Q+A: Seattle Mayor Ed Murray
He wants the city's strong-mayor system to have a more robust organizational structure.
Under Ed Murray, Seattle has become recognized nationally for promoting progressive policies like the $15 minimum wage, but he also sees the need for more centralization in the mayors office to implement better controls over the citys large bureaucracy. EARLY YEARS: My father was a logger. Two of my uncles died in logging accidents. Later,…

Final Analysis: The Buddy System
When the desultory style of Seattles mayor leaves you wishing for a felon.
Friends and I were talking recently about one of Seattles infrastructure problems dont remember if it was the abysmal traffic, rising homelessness, the messy waterfront and I said, as I often do in these situations, Maybe its time for Buddy Cianci. All told, Vincent A. Buddy Cianci, who died in January, was mayor of Providence,…