Seattle Culture

Bicycle Diaries: Essentials for Bike Commuting

Bicycle Diaries: Essentials for Bike Commuting

In this series we ask Todd Sheer for some tips and tricks for making bike commuting a little easier.

Here are Greg’s “essentials” for bike commuting: “I was thinking about some of the “essentials” for bike commuting.  It’s easy to find the list of the best lights or the best jacket or the easiest panniers, but here are some of my tricks for making bike commuting routine a little easier (or I should say…

Bicycle Diaries: Shopping for Groceries on Your Bike

Bicycle Diaries: Shopping for Groceries on Your Bike

In this series we ask Roddy Sheer for some tips and tricks for making bike commuting a little easier

As part of my ongoing series this month on urban bike commuting, I have pledged to do all my grocery shopping by bicycle. With a couple of tester panniers from Seattle-based Detours to help distribute my load, I am ready to roll. Last week on my initial bicycle grocery run to a Safeway a mile…

Bicycle Diaries: The Competitive Side of Bike Commuters

Bicycle Diaries: The Competitive Side of Bike Commuters

In this series we ask Roddy Sheer for some tips and tricks for making bike commuting a little easier

It seems that bike commuting gets the competitive juices flowing for Greg Widmyer, one of our resident blogging bike commuters this month. Here’s how he puts it: “I’ve kind of got a nice routine going this week with early morning calls.  I leave my house about 7:30, ride about 500 yards to a coffee shop,…

Kippen House Chicken Coops Make Backyard Baryards Modern

Kippen House Chicken Coops Make Backyard Baryards Modern

A Seattle architect has invented a chic coop perfect for urban backyards.

The shabby chicken coops of Old McDonald’s farm might look out of place in the city, but thanks to architect Traci Fontyn, owner and founder of Bothell’s Kippen House chicken coops (, urban dwellers can still enjoy fresh, organic eggs from their own small lots. These cool coops combine chicken housing with human gardening for…

Washington is a Hotbed for Three Dangerous Diseases

Washington is a Hotbed for Three Dangerous Diseases

Our state outpaces the nation in rates of three serious diseases—tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis an

We take pride in it: Our state regularly earns top honors as one of the most livable in the country, thanks to our old-growth forests, vast waterways, and our literary and recreational lifestyles. But Washington state also tops a few not-so-pleasant lists: We outpace the nation in debilitating, and sometimes deadly, diseases. Washington is a…

Seattle Homeowner: Can You Cut Down that Tree?

Seattle Homeowner: Can You Cut Down that Tree?

The City of Seattle is considering new rules that would remove protections on some ‘exceptional tre

It wasn’t a native tree. It wasn’t what most would call pretty. And it was so big it dwarfed the little cottage it had grown beside for the past 60 or more years. But the spiky, Seussian monkey puzzle tree that was cut down last January in Ballard by the home’s new owners had been…

Bicycle Diaries: Celebrating Urban Bike Commuting in Seattle

Bicycle Diaries: Celebrating Urban Bike Commuting in Seattle

Since May is Bike Month around the world, I am devoting my Outdoors blog posts for the next few weeks to urban bicycle commuting around Seattle. I will be virtually following two urban bike commuters as they make their way to and from work every day on two wheels under their own power, and I…

Vertical Garden Art at Ballard Floral Shop Midnight Blossom

Vertical Garden Art at Ballard Floral Shop Midnight Blossom

In the April issue I reported on the vertical gardening trend currently climbing Seattle walls. Now Ballard floral design, plant and gift shop Midnight Blossom is offering its arty take on the trend with tillandsia (air plant) wall gardens (like the one pictured above). They’re “living art,” Amoreena Herbage told me by phone. She’s one-half…

Best Place to Be a Mom is...Not the U.S.

Best Place to Be a Mom is…Not the U.S.

Report ranks countries based on health, education, economics for women and children

I am in the midst of another crazy day of juggling work, family, volunteering, life and just came across a Twitter headline from the San Francisco Chronicle about a report ranking the best and worst countries to be a mom. The United States ranks 31st. Norway ranks No. 1. You can download the full report to…

Tips from Kelly Singer on Gearing Up for Jogging in the Rain

Tips from Kelly Singer on Gearing Up for Jogging in the Rain

Have fun outside this month despite the rain with the right gear.

It’s April in Seattle, but the unseasonably cool temperatures, lack of sunshine, and constant drizzle makes it  feel like we’re back in November.  I’m past the point of letting the weather rain on my parade and on my run, so I made a list of the necessary gear needed to get out there and stay…

May Trends for the Stylish Seattle Child

May Trends for the Stylish Seattle Child

Repurposed duds from Ricicli, volunteering made easy and statement making blanket.

Downsizing, UpcyclingWhen Christina Collins-Pezzner looks at a pile of discarded clothes, she sees beautiful bits of opportunity. Her Ballard-based design business Ricicli (pronounced ree-chee-clee;, turns gently used adult apparel into stylish, one-of-a-kind duds for boys and girls. After many years on the local fashion scene, including working with Nordstrom’s buying team, Collins-Pezzner realized her…

Medispas: Patient Pampering at Local Hospitals

Medispas: Patient Pampering at Local Hospitals

Local spas affiliated with medical centers and clinics find the sweet spot between pampering and pr

You know where to go when things get tough: the spa. Soothing music, herbal tea, fluffy towels and a massage—your favorite pamper palace sets the mood for calm and relaxation. But more and more, those bastions of serenity are located in the last place most of us go to unwind: the hospital. Welcome to the…

Puget Sound Ocean Acidification in Environmental News Again

Puget Sound Ocean Acidification in Environmental News Again

Marine scientists call ocean acidification global warming’s doppelgänger, and recent studies show Pu

The Seattle Times reports today on ocean acidification research taking Puget Sound, a topic that our very own Maria Dolan tackled in last month’s issue. In honor of today’s front page ST story, here are a few photos from the magazine, including a few previously unpublished online.   Northwest Fisheries Science Laboratory biologist Paul McElhany…

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