Seattle Culture

Seattle Schools Serve Up Some Haute Lunch

Seattle Schools Serve Up Some Haute Lunch

The district’s just landed a brand-new food guru, whose bringing slow-food rules to the lunch line f

Paging Jamie Oliver! There are chicken nuggets and sausage-on-a-stick on the Seattle Public Schools’ lunch menu. The ravioli comes from a Chef Boyardee can. But like the popular British chef whose U.S. television documentary, Lunch Line, exposes the horrors of school lunchrooms, the Seattle school district’s new head of nutrition services, Eric Boutin, is fighting…

Video Game Technology Moves From Recreational to Real-World

Video Game Technology Moves From Recreational to Real-World

Video games leap off the screen and into new tech products that help PTSD patients, drivers and webs

Seems like just yesterday video games were making the clumsy transition from bulky joysticks to sleek, wireless controllers. But youth fades, and the time comes to get a haircut, a real job and contribute something to society. Here in the Northwest, several gaming-inspired projects have done just that by advancing videogames from pixelated playthings to…

Huckleberry Hound

Huckleberry Hound

Langdon Cook goes apicking for the tart and tangy huck.

It’s time for a trip to the local confectionary, but be warned: This isn’t a jaunt down to the corner candy store. It’s nature’s candy store! Let’s go over the checklist. Hiking boots? Check. Map and compass? Check? Bucket? Check. Bear spray… We’re heading to the mountains to pick one of my favorite seasonal treats….

Edge Meets Value at Bellevue's Black Bottle Postern

Edge Meets Value at Bellevue’s Black Bottle Postern

Industrial and unfussy, the Eastside's outpost of the Belltown original is worth a visit.

With soaring 30-foot ceilings and booths that sit along an expanse of windows, Black Bottle Postern wouldn’t seem half as edgy if it weren’t for its locale: smack dab in shiny new Bellevue. The crowd here is also a bit of a departure for the city; sure, you’ve got your besuited tall, dark and handsomes…

Paddleboard Yoga Offers a New Core Curriculum

Paddleboard Yoga Offers a New Core Curriculum

Master your lunge (else you take a plunge).

In the beginning, there was yoga. Next, hot yoga caught fire. But for Seattleites, even that wasn’t enough of a mind-body challenge. Now, behold WASUP: Washington Stand-Up Paddleboard Yoga. At last we can execute warrior poses while balancing atop a paddleboard in the middle of Shilshole Bay. Part of the Washington Surf Academy (, which…

Liquid Assets: A Water Guide to Puget Sound

Liquid Assets: A Water Guide to Puget Sound

From the Ballard Locks to Elliot Bay, here's the scoop on our beautiful Puget Sound hangouts.

Waterways: The Ballard LocksWitness cool water workings at the Ballard Locks (aka the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks, if you please), which are basically a series of gates and holding chambers that shuffles boats between the Ship Canal and the Sound (and keeps the salty Sound water from backwashing into Lake Union’s freshwater). Watch the fascinating…

Why Seattle’s Tap Water Is So Good

Why Seattle’s Tap Water Is So Good

The water-quality expert shares the secrets of Seattle’s delicious tap water.

West Seattleite Ralph Naess, 48, drinks water straight from the faucet. As manager of the public and cultural programs at the Cedar River Watershed—the more than 90,000 acres of natural habitat and protected water near North Bend that is the source of Seattle’s tap water—Naess has been quenching the public’s thirst for knowledge about local…

Memoirs of the Mat

Memoirs of the Mat

Two local writers breathe humor into yoga with funny personal takes.

Seattleites tend to approach yoga with an intense earnestness, so how refreshing to find two practitioners who bring a critical, humorous eye to the practice. In December, local writer Claire Dederer published her funny and insightful Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses, a memoir of Seattle marriage and motherhood, in which she both skewers…

Seattle Garden Trends: What’s In and What’s Out

Seattle Garden Trends: What’s In and What’s Out

Take outgrown habits to the compost heap and refresh your garden with a new approach.

Seattle gardens and yards tend to hit the dried-out doldrums in August, so it’s a good time to kick back with a glass of cool lemonade (garnished with homegrown mint, naturally) and think about how to refresh your approach to planting. Here’s a look at what’s new—and what’s past its bloom—according to local gardeners, along…

Personal Stories: Meet Your Top Doctors of 2011

Personal Stories: Meet Your Top Doctors of 2011

Fifteen respected doctors in our area talk about their passions, plus our Top Docs Hall of Fame

All Conceivable Options: R. Dale McClure, M.D. (see photo above) Specialties: Urology, male infertility Practice and hospital affiliation: Seattle Reproductive Medicine; Virginia Mason Medical Center Of note: Dr. McClure is director of the Male Infertility and Microsurgical Unit at Virginia Mason Medical Center. He is also a clinical professor of urology at the University of…

Top Doctors 2010: Special Hall of Fame Edition

Top Doctors 2010: Special Hall of Fame Edition

Saluting the 381 finest physicians in the Puget Sound region.

Over the past decade, Seattle magazine has been the go-to resource for information about the best doctors in the region. For this Top Doctors issue—our 10th since 2000—we created a Top Doctors Hall of Fame to honor the four doctors (pictured L to R: Dr. Joseph S. Gruss; Dr. Linda S. Mihalov; Dr. David R. Byrd;…

Viaduct for Dummies: Why You Gotta Hate?

Full-glory morning sunshine this morning as I drove along the top of the Viaduct, pondering Seattle’s love/hate of the thing. Sure, those views of the bay—ferries, the Olympics, the works—make going to work almost a pleasure. But also, the thing might one day kill me, one way or another. You can thrill yourself again with…

Behind the Scenes of Our July Issue: Is There a Doctor in the House?

Behind the Scenes of Our July Issue: Is There a Doctor in the House?

Why, yes! In fact, there are 400 of 'em!

Know this feeling? You’re minding your own business, getting ready for work, washing that PopTart down with a delicious second cup of coffee, when suddenly Steve Inskeep pops into your kitchen (via KUOW) with this news: Coffee will kill you. And you think, “Didn’t I just hear somewhere that coffee will make me live longer?”…

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