SB Profiles

Off the Clock Profile #4: Wendy Cruz
Cofounder and VP, Double Eagle Annual Reports
EDITORS NOTE: This is one in a monthly series of miniprofiles featuring local executives off the clock. EXECUTIVES NAME, TITLE AND COMPANY NAME.Wendy Cruz, cofounder and VP, Double Eagle Annual Reports LLC TELL US WHAT YOUR COMPANY DOES AND WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO THIS BUSINESS.I am one of the founders of a compliance management firm…

Coffee with Guppy: Seeking Authenticity with Tom Kundig
A chat with the celebrated Seattle architect.
Tom Kundig is a principal and owner at Olson Kundig, the Seattle architecture firm and design practice founded on the idea that buildings can serve as a bridge between nature, culture and people. Nancy: What does an architect do? Tom: An architect solves problems. We observe whats going on culturally, both historically and currently, and…

Executive Q+A: Boosting Biotech
Leslie Alexandres mission at Life Science Washington is truly a matter of life and death.
Leslie Alexandre, whose leadership of the state-funded North Carolina Biotechnology Center helped strengthen that states life sciences sector, hopes to revitalize Washingtons biotech sector as CEO and president of Life Science Washington, an industry trade organization formerly known as the Washington Biotechnology & Biomedical Association. Alexandre, a 30-year veteran of the life science and health…

The 2017 Executive Excellence Awards: Governance Award
Board of Directors, Alaska Air Group
Governing a company is different from running one, notes Alaska Air Group board member Phyllis J. Campbell. An effective board asks the right questions, and one thats diverse makes that possibility more likely. Its sometimes messier, Campbell says of the gender and racial mix of Alaskas board. We dont always agree, by definition. Thats what…

Off the Clock Profile #3: Kevin Marcus
Cofounder and CTO, Versium Analytics
EDITORS NOTE: This is one in a monthly series of miniprofiles featuring local executives off the clock. EXECUTIVE’S NAME, TITLE AND COMPANY NAME.Kevin Marcus, cofounder and CTO, Versium Analytics TELL US WHAT YOUR COMPANY DOES AND WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO THIS BUSINESS.I started working with data in the early 1990s and discovered that I really…

The 2017 Executive Excellence Awards: The List
A summary of this year's honorees.
Welcome to the fifth installment of Seattle Business magazines annual celebration of outstanding achievement in the C-suite. The Executive Excellence Awards recognize CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CTOs, executive directors and other inspirational leaders for modeling exemplary behavior in the day-to-day operation of complex corporate ecosystems as well as in the larger context of providing a moral…

The 2017 Executive Excellence Awards: Tucker Moodey
President, eCommerce Platform, Expedia Inc.
In Tucker Moodeys view, its comfortable to collaborate among people who share the same skills but more successful when you work across fields. Thats the insight he brought to leading Expedias eCommerce Platform, which supports a growing portfolio of online travel brands. Moodeys two years in that role have required integrating some of Expedias largest…

The 2017 Executive Excellence Awards: John J. Legere
President and CEO, T-Mobile US
T-Mobiles CEO doesnt mince words, and when John Legere took the helm in 2012, he didnt make a lot of friends. At an early press conference, he vowed to redefine a stupid, broken and arrogant industry. It might have sounded like an empty boast at the time. Legere had taken over a weak, fourth-place wireless…

The 2017 Executive Excellence Awards: Scott Porad
When Scott Porad joined to run the technical infrastructure that matched dog owners with providers of pet sitting and pet walking services, he thought it would be familiar. He had already built many e-commerce sites with internet pioneers like Starwave, and Cheezburger Network. But keeping dog owners happy was nothing like dispensing online…

The 2017 Executive Excellence Awards: Darryl Rawlings
CEO, Trupanion
While most executives find success through building relationships, Darryl Rawlings prospers by redefining them. His company, Trupanion, offers to make insuring your pet more like buying health insurance for your family, providing comprehensive value for the life of the animal. Spurred by his own boyhood trauma of losing a beloved dog to a treatable but…

The 2017 Executive Excellence Awards: Benson Porter
President & CEO, BECU
Unlike many financial leaders after the banking crisis, incoming CEO Benson Porter had to manage expansion. In 2012, BECU, formerly the Boeing Employees Credit Union, was nearing $10 billion in assets, a size that would trigger new regulatory requirements, along with compliance to reforms. Porter, once an EVP at Washington Mutual, had seen others stumble….

The 2017 Executive Excellence Awards: Governance Award
Board of Directors, Alaska Air Group
Governing a company is different from running one, notes Alaska Air Group board member Phyllis J. Campbell. An effective board asks the right questions, and one thats diverse makes that possibility more likely. Its sometimes messier, Campbell says of the gender and racial mix of Alaskas board. We dont always agree, by definition. Thats what…

The 2017 Executive Excellence Awards: Budd Gould
Founder and President, Anthonys Restaurants
Staying close to home has worked pretty well for Budd Gould, who founded his first restaurant in Bellevue in 1969. That steak and lobster house, The Fox, isnt around anymore, but his third restaurant, Anthonys Home Port in Kirkland, has grown into a popular seafood destination with 29 locations in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Its…