Millennials Do Quite Well in Seattle
Salary survey puts millennials here near the top
Millennials make more money in Seattle than in almost any United States city. Seattle ranks No. 3 in millennials salaries, according to a report from Hire A Helper, a company that connects moving companies and customers. Adjusted for cost-of-living, the median income for millennials employed full-time in the Puget Sound region is $51,727, which is…
Seattles Startup Culture Is Strong on Talent, Short on Local Capital
Seattle ranked first among the 50 cities assessed in attracting highly educated millennials, study finds
Seattle took home a third-place trophy in a just-released study that assessed the best U.S. cities for startups. Ranking ahead of Seattle were Austin, Texas; and Washington, D.C. Rounding out the top five were Denver, fourth; and San Francisco, fifth. The analysis of Seattles startup scene is probably the most interesting part of the study,…