
Commentary: The New Competitive Edge
The Puget Sound region has long been a global hub of innovation at the forefront of change. Pioneers in aircraft, computer technology, software, renewable energy, coffee, online retailing, even grunge rock the Seattle area seems to have an outsize impact on the course of human evolution. Whats next? How do we keep our edge in…

CEO Adviser: Making Beautiful Music
Imagine an orchestra with no conductor. Without someone determining what instruments participate and when they engage, its just noise. That same scenario plays out today for many brands with the customer experiences they generate. Instead of instruments, they have departments, agencies, campaigns, products and projects. Each one doing its own thingyet they all come together…

Virgin on Business: The Big Easy
As big-city mayoral gigs go, Seattles is one of the cushiest. Unlike New York and Chicago, the mayor of Seattle is not responsible for the city school system, thus freeing him from that slough of dysfunction (although Seattle mayors, apparently feeling they dont have enough to do, keep making noises about adding that collection of…

Making an Impression: Ten skills you need to land a STEM job.
While Washington state is number one in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) job opportunities, our students arent always making the grade to fill these positions. Its more important than ever that Washington students get a strong foundation in STEM education as well as other critical skills that will help them land these jobs. Here…

Please, Mr. Post Man: What’s Bezos saying?
If you like how the media cover the media and who doesnt enjoy journalists talking about journalism? you can appreciate how coverage of The Washington Posts purchase by one Jeffrey P. Bezos should easily win the Bloviator Award for much ado about a guy going out to get a paper. Weeks after the purchase was…

Editor’s Note: Dont Let the Good Times Roll You
Our states economy is looking up. After five years in the doldrums, Washingtons total employment numbers are finally returning close to pre-recession levels. With new workers continuing to move into the state, the unemployment rate for June stood at 6.9 percent, far above the 4.6 percent rate before the recession, but dramatically better than the…

Building a corporate art collection can create a winning culture
Its no surprise that many businesses think corporate art collections are a waste of money. Art seldom makes much sense as an investment. But original art can add a rich dimension to the work environment. It can be one of the building blocks of a company culture, influencing everything from the spirits of employees to…

Was the collapse of Washington Mutual as unremarkable as it seems today?
Five years is not just a convenient round-number anniversary date. It also provides a resting point for perspective on and assessment of events of the recent pastfar enough removed from the actual occurrence to allow the dust to settle and emotions to cool, still fresh enough in memory for people to retrieve their fi rsthand…

On sustainable economies and living wages
At Seattle Business magazine, we offer perspective on the major trends shaping our regional economy. Last month, we examined the challenges facing our ports in the face of changing trade patterns and growing competition. This month, we take a close look at three very different issues and trends having a major impact on our region….
Stories Work. More Business Leaders Should Use Them
Attorney, Paradigm Counsel The Boldt Company builds mammoth construction projects: power plants, hospitals, educational and industrial complexes. But before Boldt can build, it must win bids. In the past, its bid team, working in the time-honored way, pit Bolts numbers against its competitors numbers. Their win rate was one in ten. With some coaching, the…

Thinking about getting into the pot business? Read this first
The hot topic at local social and business events is Washingtons legalization of marijuana for recreational use. The excitement has less to do with marijuana use than the business opportunities the drug represents. But as entrepreneurs and investors dig into the prospects, many questions and challenges loom because all aspects of the marijuana business remain…

We don’t need a national strategy on everything
Officials at the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma say America needs a national freight-mobility strategy. Farmers await a new farm bill to see what this countrys agricultural policy is. Manufacturers want a national manufacturing strategy, and a national energy policy too. Everyone with an interest in schoolsthat is, everyone has a view on whether there…

If we don’t pay for education, we pay a dear price in the long run
When I joined Seattle Business magazine four and a half years ago, the state and national economies were in shambles. Banks were going out of business; enterprises were sharply cutting back on investments and laying off workers. Even stalwarts of our region such as Boeing, Starbucks and Microsoft were struggling. Now, as we head into…