Venture Capitalists Let Slip That Things Might Stay the Same
By Seattle Business Magazine September 17, 2010
Okay, it wasnt a big information leak. The information came from Washington Technology Industry Association survey of Washington-based venture capitalists released about a week ago. They mostly predicted that growth would be stable or small, not surprising given the economic situation. However, this information is important for Seattle area job seekers because growth usually equals more jobs.
Unfortunately, most of the VCs polled didnt think that the companies they funded would be hiring in the next quarter. Susan Sigl, the CEO of the WTIA, had this to say: Based on our recent survey, the state of the venture capital market in Washington is that of cautious optimism, and as such, most VCs are predicting moderate revenue growth, no lay-offs and very limited hiring within their portfolio companies this quarter.
Not terribly enlightening, but everyone in the VC funded community can breathe a little easier, that is if people trust the predictions of venture capitalists. While hiring certainly would have been good news, not firing should also be considered a positive.
Sigl also mentioned that VC funded companies arent the only employment options in town. If the nearly 640 jobs posted in the WTIA Job Center are any indication, there are still many non-venture backed companies seeking qualified candidates to fill available positions in our local technology industry, she says.
A quick look through the listings made one thing clear, Amazon is always looking for new talent, and they arent afraid to advertise it.