
Coping With Cancer, A to Z

Coping With Cancer, A to Z

From talking with loved ones about it to finding the right doctor to treat the disease, a cancer diagnosis brings with it many questions. Swedish’s newest podcast series, Voices of Cancer (swedish.org, search “Voices of Cancer”), offers guidance. Host Rose Ibarra interviews cancer patients, survivors, doctors and other experts in episodes that have thus far…

From Green Jell-O to Greens

From Green Jell-O to Greens

!–paging_filter–pA hospital is the last place you’re likely to think of when looking for a good meal. But Seattle’s foodie and farmers’ market culture is sending canned beets and green Jell-O the way of the dodo, with local hospitals making fresh, sustainable—and most of all tasty—food a part of their offerings for patients and their…

New Marketing at Local Hospitals and How It's Grabbing Your Attention

New Marketing at Local Hospitals and How It’s Grabbing Your Attention

Seattle hospitals and clinics are touting new facilities and programs in an effort to keep themselve

In the midst of health care reform and institutional consolidation, local hospitals and clinics are touting new facilities and programs in an effort to keep themselves current and comprehensive in the eyes of consumers. Undaunted, ELIZABETH M. ECONOMOU sifts through all the messages and provides the perspective to keep your blood pressure in check. In…

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