Sam Choy

Searching For Aloha Spirit, Plate Lunch and Poke in Seattle

Searching For Aloha Spirit, Plate Lunch and Poke in Seattle

!–paging_filter–pspanEven with the glorious weather in the Puget Sound this past week, I’ve been suffering from a severe case of Maui withdraw since returning from a href=”…“a blissful trip/a. Among the many highlights of this hosted visit to the Ka’anapali Fresh Culinary Experience were a facsinating tour of a a href=”“coffee plantation/a–the only place on…

Hawaiian Celebrity Chef Sam Choy Rolling Into Seattle With New Food Truck

Hawaiian Celebrity Chef Sam Choy Rolling Into Seattle With New Food Truck

Sam Choy is such a tease. The celebrity chef from Hawaii has been Tweeting about rolling out a food truck in Seattle: “Sam Choy’s bringing island favorites & more for you to enjoy. We cooking up Loco Moco, Kalua Pork, lots of Poke & other great dishes. Mo Poke, Mo Betta!” The huggable Choy is…

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