King Tut’s Return Engagement Raises the Bar
By Brangien Davis April 13, 2012

Many of us cannot utter the words King Tut without adding the refrain, Born in Arizona,
moved to Babylonia, thanks to Steve Martins musical tribute on Saturday Night Live in 1978. So dont be offended if you hear visitors humming strains of the song at Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs. Think of it as a sign of the boy kings hold on our imaginations. This new exhibit, organized by National Geographic, features twice as many artifacts as the 1970s United States tour, including funerary objects from pharaohs before Tuts time, the largest known statue of Tut (10 feet tall), Tuts golden sandals for the afterlife, and a replica of Tuts mummy. 5/241/6/2013. Times and prices vary. Pacific Science Center, 200 Second Ave. N, Seattle; 206.443.2001;