John Levesque

Final Analysis: Power from the People
What constitutes a great company to work For? Don't ask the Mariners.
What makes a company a great one to work for? Its the people. Sure, the free lunches and the Friday beer parties are nice. And who wouldnt want unlimited vacation time and fully paid health insurance for the whole family? Still, if you dont have the right people, youre toast. Take the Seattle Mariners. Please….

Final Analysis: Core Competency
Will Cosmic Crisp be the next apple of our eye?
Have you heard about Cosmic Crisp? Its not a breakfast cereal. Its not related to an outfielder for the Oakland As. Its a new apple crafted by fertile minds at Washington State University. Seems they introduced a Honeycrisp to an Enterprise and, well, you get the picture. Candlelight. Merlot. Barry White on the iPod. The…

Why Chris Hansen’s Bid for an NBA Team Sent the Wrong Message
A case of coming up empty.
By all accounts, Chris Hansens attempt to bring an NBA team back to Seattle was above board, transparent and honorable. As far as we can tell, his behavior was the polar opposite of that displayed by the mendacious marauder Clay Bennett, who purchased the Seattle SuperSonics in 2006 and moved them to Oklahoma City two…

Final Analysis: The Business of Baseball
The Mariners are a bad team; are they a badly run company?
Anyone who plays professional baseball will tell you it takes luck to get to the World Series. So the Seattle Mariners are one of the unluckiest teams in Major League Baseball, right? I mean, only two of the 30 current MLB teams have never been to the World Seriesand one of them is the Mariners,…

Final Analysis: Under the Influence
Someday, your Klout score will be more important than your credit score. Sigh.
Do you know your Klout score? I used to be an 11. In the world of social media, it was appalling. On a Darwinian level, it put me somewhere between fungi and green algae. Should anyone really care? Joe Fernandez, who founded Klout in 2008, thinks so. Last year, he told students in an MBA…
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