Historic Seattle

Olson Kundig’s King Street Station Project: Q&A With Design Principal Kirsten R. Murray

Olson Kundig’s King Street Station Project: Q&A With Design Principal Kirsten R. Murray

The ubiquitous Seattle architect team will design a cultural hub at King Street Station

A rendition of King Street Station

Behind-the-Scenes Tours to Take in Seattle

Behind-the-Scenes Tours to Take in Seattle

Whether you're into chocolate, architecture or sports, there's a Seattle tour for you

Watch chocolate being made at one of Seattle’s many candy-making facilities.

Celebrate Seattle's Beautiful Old Architecture with Historic Seattle

Celebrate Seattle’s Beautiful Old Architecture with Historic Seattle

!–paging_filter–pCelebrate the urge to preserve our city’s built heritage at a href=”http://historicseattle.org“Historic Seattle/a’s strongSixth Annual/strong strongPreservation Awards /strongonstrongnbsp;/strongMay 13, 5:30–8 p.m., at the Good Shepherd Center (Wallingford, 4649 Sunnyside Ave. N)./ppTickets are $85 for the general public, $75 for Historic Seattle members and $30 for students ($25 of the fee is tax-deductible and benefits the…

Want to Help Publish a New Book on Old Seattle?

Want to Help Publish a New Book on Old Seattle?

Maybe penning the great American novel is out of your reach, but there is a way to help to birth a bonafide book. Historic Seattle (First Hill, Dearborn House, 1117 Minor Ave.; 206.622.6952) is looking to raise a last $20,000 or so to cover the publishing costs for its book exploring the cultural and architectural history of…

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