Health First
By By Myke Folger June 18, 2010

This article originally appeared in the July 2010 issue of Seattle magazine.
Second PlaceNonprofit Organizations |
Seattles Pacific Medical Centers is a large nonprofit with
686 employees. So its pretty impressive that 60 percent of its staff
participated in the Best Companies survey and commented favorably and at length
on the organizations dedication to wellness and fairness.
Going back to school? PacMed will chip in $1,000 a year for
any programs or classes that are accredited. PacMed will also spend $5,000 for
any health care-related courses or programs you take. On-site physicians and
medical staff are encouraged to volunteer whenever and wherever they choose.
Theres also a walking program, a Jenny Craig nutrition program, subsidies for
personal fitness and sports clubs, plus exercise initiatives and even discount
tickets for local sports events.
And right up there with the benefits is PacMeds dedication
to charity work around the region. The company will donate money to
organizations in need, and provide free blood pressure checks, glucose checks,
flu shots and testing for lung function.
Writes one employee, I am quite proud to be
part of a health-care organization that sees patients that other facilities
decline solely for financial reasons.
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