Financial Services
Local survey and SBW 60 demonstrate economic optimism
By Seattle Business Magazine October 28, 2011
Seattle PR firm Weber Shandwick announced the results of its second annual State of Seattle survey this week. No surprise to locals, the technology and health care industries were widely viewed as fueling the citys future.
Eighty-three percent of Seattle residents said they felt secure about their jobs, though a major concern for many residents was transportation. However, many survey respondents felt optimistic about Seattles transport and waterfront in the future.
The survey was conducted online in a collaboration with KRC Research. Five hundred Seattleites over the age of 18 were polled between September 30 and October 6. KRC also conducted a separate, nationwide telephone study to gauge broader perceptions of the city.
These expressions of optimism come at a time when the regions industries are on an upswing. The Seattle Business Washington 60 Index has been climbing since late September, and posted a 4 percent surge on Wednesday.