Family Business
2011 Washington Family Business Awards
By Lisa Wogan, Sarah Dewey and Steve Wehrly November 10, 2011

This article originally appeared in the December 2011 issue of Seattle magazine.
The family business constitutes a special element of many societies. It nurtures an extended family of kin and kindred spirits. It also creates and strengthens entire communities. In an age when innovative new startups are launched, sold and resold, the family business provides a valuable study in consistency and reliability. This doesnt imply predictability, for the successful family business is anything but predictable. As youll see on the following pages that celebrate the winners of our 2011 Washington Family Business Awards, some have been incredibly nimble in changing with the times and with the tempo of economic developments. Through it all, they have managed to prosper, change and grow while also keeping a practiced eye on tradition and succession.
Legacy Award: Stemilt Growers
Small Companies: Hillcrest Bakery
Runners-Up: Dix Corporation, Ski’s Painting
Midsize Companies: Rainier Connect
Runners-Up: MacKay Manufacturing, Metals Fabrication
Large Companies: Hotstart Inc.
Runners-Up: The Bartell Drug Company, Sprague Pest Solutions
Leadership: Wallace Properties
Business Transformation: Mercer Canyons
Best Practices: Nelson Legacy Group
Community Involvement: Dick’s Drive-In Restaurants
JUDGES: 2011 Washington Family Business Awards Evaluation Panel
Clarence Barnes, dean, School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University
Steve Brilling, executive director, Seattle University Entrepreneurship Center
Ron Dohr, family business consultant
Dan Gaffney, partner, Moss Adams
Bill Pettit, president, Merrill Gardens (previous Family Business Award winner)
Christian Schiller, managing director, Cascadia Capital
Rich Simmonds, managing principal, Simmonds Associates
James Warjone, former CEO, Port Blakely Companies (previous Family Business Award winner)