Dim Sum
Harbor City: Our Choice for Dim Sum
The restaurant that changed our editor's dim sum loyalty.
One cold morning last winter on the way to our usual International District dim sum haunt, my family and I had to zigzag our way through the crowd waiting outside Harbor City, a stone’s throw from our destination. And so we decided to change course and wait alongside the shivering throng to see what all…
The Best, Most Surprising Dim Sum
Seattle Mag contributor Lorna Yee searched far and wide to find the best of this favorite Chinese cu
Dim sum has always been a contentious and polarizing topic for food-lovin’ Seattleites, many of whom drive up to my hometown of Richmond, B.C., for the legendary dim sum offerings. But for those in need of a quick dim sum fix, I’ve found Zen Garden [CLOSED] in Mill Creek (a half-hour drive from downtown Seattle)…