Seattle Mag

Enjoy a Soak in This Seattle Made Wooden Bathtub 沉浸其中:西雅图匠心制造豪华木制浴缸将沐浴变为享受

Enjoy a Soak in This Seattle Made Wooden Bathtub 沉浸其中:西雅图匠心制造豪华木制浴缸将沐浴变为享受

本地工匠打造艺术品浴缸 A local woodworker turns bathtubs into works of art

NK Woodworking最近向市场推出了其独立式“莲花”浴缸的零售版(售价为3至4万美元),该浴缸融合了旧世界的典雅和时尚,又不失简洁摩登感。在乍暖还寒时沉浸其中,堪称完美。

The Seattle City Council Primary Election Is Heating Up: Part 1

The Seattle City Council Primary Election Is Heating Up: Part 1

The Seattle City Council race is different this year. Here’s why and who’s running—so far

Six years ago, Seattle voters decided they wanted to elect seven of their nine city council members by geographical district, leading to the city’s first district elections in 2015 in almost 100 years. It was a dramatic change in the way Seattle voters choose their representatives. Switching to districts, supporters argued, meant that candidates would…

Strawberry Theatre Workshop’s ‘Everybody’: Death, Life and Strobe Lights

Strawberry Theatre Workshop’s ‘Everybody’: Death, Life and Strobe Lights

Morality meets mortality (a smoke machine and other special effects) in Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’ 2017 play

Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’ Everybody opens very promisingly in its current production (through Feb. 16) by Strawberry Theatre Workshop. A long tour de force speech by Justin Huertas segues nimbly from a funny preshow turn-off-your-devices request to some interesting background about the show (an updating of a medieval morality play that in turn was adapted from a Buddhist legend)…

7 Cooking Classes To Try in Seattle

7 Cooking Classes To Try in Seattle

Leave these local kitchens with skills you’ll keep for a lifetime

Cooking classes have long been the perfect way to learn something new, whether on a date night, with a big group or as a fun antidote to an empty weekend. Seattle has no shortage of classes taught by regional experts – read on for a list of some of the most distinctive options. But take…

Condos Make a Comeback in Seattle 西雅图多户住宅屋的繁荣:豪华公寓复兴,构建活力城市生活

Condos Make a Comeback in Seattle 西雅图多户住宅屋的繁荣:豪华公寓复兴,构建活力城市生活

拔地而起的产权公寓、豪华的出租公寓和宽敞的联排别墅, 构建更加活力四射的城市生活。Soaring condos, luxe apartments and spacious townhomes open the door to vibrant urban living


Seattle's Chekhov-Only Theater Company Is Just What the Doctor Ordered

Seattle’s Chekhov-Only Theater Company Is Just What the Doctor Ordered

In its rigorous approach to Chekhov, The Seagull Project applies the work of the famous Russian playwright and physician as a salve for modern times

PLAYWRIGHT PRACTITIONERS: Members of The Seagull Project include, from left: Sunam Ellis, Julie Briskman, Gavin Reub, Alexandra Tavares, John Langs, Sylvester Kamara and Peter Crook (title role, Uncle Vanya) This article appears in print in the February 2019 issue. Click here to subscribe. There’s no easy prescription for moving forward in these divisive times, although the members of Seattle…

Celebrate Lunar New Year with This Local Beer Made from a 5,000-Year-Old Recipe

Celebrate Lunar New Year with This Local Beer Made from a 5,000-Year-Old Recipe

A Ballard brewery brings a 5,000-year-old Chinese beer recipe back to life

From left to right: Mijiaya historic Chinese beer, Buddha’s hand citron IPA and Lychee Sour

These World-Renowned Seattle Hotspots Are Worth a Visit 举世瞩目:不可错过的西雅图世界级艺术机构

These World-Renowned Seattle Hotspots Are Worth a Visit 举世瞩目:不可错过的西雅图世界级艺术机构

卓越优秀的西雅图艺术机构获得当地人首肯、并且享誉全球 These Seattle arts institutions have earned not just local, but worldwide, recognition for excellence


'Last of the Boys' at Seattle Rep Probes the Vicious Cycle of War

‘Last of the Boys’ at Seattle Rep Probes the Vicious Cycle of War

With its restless and complex lead characters, 'Last of the Boys' reveals the personal toll of war

Kevin Anderson and Reginald André Jackson in Seattle Repertory Theatre’s production of ‘Last of the Boys’

'Rock of Ages' at 5th Avenue Theatre Hits a Timely, Local Note

‘Rock of Ages’ at 5th Avenue Theatre Hits a Timely, Local Note

With its cast of local rockers and a club on the line, 'Rock of Ages' hits home

WE’RE WITH THE BAND: From left: Rock of Ages local performers include Pickwick’s Galen Disston, Black Stax’s Felicia Loud, bassist Andy Stoller, and actors Nick DeSantis and Sara Porkalob

Must List: Seattle International Dance Festival Winter Mini Fest, Winter Drams Spirits Festival, Masquerade XI

Must List: Seattle International Dance Festival Winter Mini Fest, Winter Drams Spirits Festival, Masquerade XI

Your weekly guide to Seattle's hottest events.

Love the Must List? Get it right in your inbox. Subscribe. MUST DANCE Seattle International Dance Festival Winter Mini Fest(1/25–1/26) Cyrus Khambatta and his Khambatta Dance Company have anchored this festival since its 2006 founding, and he’s invited three other choreographers this year to create dances for the company: Shura Baryshnikov (you’ll remember her famous dad),…

This Week Then: Remembering Civil Rights Leader Edwin Pratt

This Week Then: Remembering Civil Rights Leader Edwin Pratt

Plus: Looking back on the region's most powerful earthquake

This story was originally published at Subscribe to their weekly newsletter. A Life Cut Short Fifty years ago this week, on January 26, 1969, civil rights leader and Seattle Urban League Executive Director Edwin Pratt was killed by a shotgun blast outside his home in Shoreline. The assassin was never found. Pratt’s funeral at St. Mark’s…

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