Logic20/20: It’s All About Connections | Sponsored
How this Seattle-based consulting firm is becoming an even better company to work for
By Seattle Business Magazine November 22, 2021

Take a stroll through Seattle’s SoDo neighborhood and you’ll eventually come across T-Mobile Park, where the city’s finest athletes gather to delight fans with powerful displays of skill, dedication, and passion.
Right across the street, you’ll find the home of a different kind of team one that is every bit as skilled, dedicated, and passionate about what it does.
Welcome to Logic20/20.
Since 2005, consulting firm Logic20/20 has been bringing together the best, brightest minds in technology and business to help clients solve their toughest problems and achieve their most ambitious goals. Specializing in the areas of digital transformation, advanced analytics, digital marketing and strategy and operations, the six-time Best Companies to Work For honoree focuses on clarity to drive simple, efficient customer outcomes. And in 2021, it’s sporting a brand-new look.
“When Covid lockdowns closed our offices and team members began working from home,” CEO Christian O’Meara recalls, “we quickly found a way to make it work but we didn’t stop there. We saw an opportunity to grow our footprint nationally, to tap into exciting new talent markets and expand our ability to exceed client expectations.”
Last fall, Logic20/20 unveiled a new Global Delivery Model, which establishes a standing presence for the firm in several key cities across the United States. “While we always have and always will value our in-person interactions,” O’Meara says, “this new direction enables us to expand our ‘Culture of We’ to accommodate remote teams and make the most of our digital connections.”
The model provides a balanced experience of virtual and face-to-face communications for the firm’s employees “Logicians,” as they call themselves through a mix of collaboration space, technology, and culture-building events. In addition to building a regional presence, the framework also offers Logicians access to a broader range of project opportunities and the chance to influence the microcultures in the areas they call home.
Speaking of culture, Logic20/20 has made considerable investments in its Connected Culture a series of programs and experiences that bring people together regardless of where they’re located. The firms approach encompasses video-first connections with clients and coworkers as well as initiatives for fostering community and connectivity within regional teams.
“It’s a big change, but our team members are thriving in this new environment,” O’Meara says. “If a Seattle-based Logician relocates to another area, they can remain part of the Logic20/20 family, and the transition is nearly seamless. At the same time, we can bring in technical and business talent from across the United States, improving our ability to build outstanding teams with ideally suited skillsets for every project.”
Looking ahead, O’Meara sees tremendous opportunities. “We’ve been through a lot as a family over the last year and a half,” he says, “and we’ve come through it stronger than ever. For the organization and for our team members, the future looks very bright indeed.”