Knute Berger

Why Can't Seattle be More Welcoming to Tourists?

Why Can’t Seattle be More Welcoming to Tourists?

A little effort (on both sides) would go a long way.

I-5 signs through downtown can confuse tourists and locals alike

The Problem With Trying to Eat Politically Correct

The Problem With Trying to Eat Politically Correct

Cultural appropriation is real. But playing food police is a slippery slope.

A Portland burrito pop-up triggered a hellstorm of backlash.

The Hypocrisy of Taxing Sugar in Sugartown

The Hypocrisy of Taxing Sugar in Sugartown

Seattle is a city built on Cinnamon Dolce Lattes.

They may take our “soda tax” money, but they will never take our Cinnamon Dolce Lattes!

Truffle Salted Tater Tots and Other Signs of the Seattle Apocalypse

Truffle Salted Tater Tots and Other Signs of the Seattle Apocalypse

The End Times are nigh in Seattle. Here's proof.

Societies crumble when the sanctity of the tater tot is violated.

How Seattle's activist past shaped the future of transportation in the region

How Seattle’s activist past shaped the future of transportation in the region

Gray Matters: History, says Knute Berger, shows us that activism can make a positive difference in local projects.

Some Seattleites want to save the “ramps to nowhere” as a monument to citizen activism

Swallowed by Potholes: The Mayor's Race and Seattle Streets

Swallowed by Potholes: The Mayor’s Race and Seattle Streets

If you grew up in Seattle, you’ve probably heard the tale that back in the muddy streets of 19th-century Seattle a boy actually drowned in a huge pothole down on Jackson Street

A New Vision of Seattle Center Comes into View

A New Vision of Seattle Center Comes into View

From a new high school to a refurbished KeyArena, Knute Berger sees visions under way for the next evolution of Seattle Center

KeyArena, originally called the Coliseum, is one of several things at Seattle Center in play for an upgrade

Chew on This: Where Do You Stand on Aplets & Cotlets?

Chew on This: Where Do You Stand on Aplets & Cotlets?

National Public Radio broadcast a story last week about a Northwest institution that many people here take for granted. We’re used to hearing about the groundbreaking achievements of regional brands like Starbucks, Amazon and Microsoft. But Aplets & Cotlets? To many of us, Aplets & Cotlets are those little bricks of sweetness dusted in powdered…

Bridging Seattle's Generational Divide for the City's Sake, and Ours

Bridging Seattle’s Generational Divide for the City’s Sake, and Ours

From Boomers to Millennials, Seattle's generations need each other, especially as we all face the challenges ahead

It is somewhat fashionable for American generations to dislike one another, Boomers vs. Millennials vs. Gen Xers. All have come in for criticism, despite the fact that defining people by age and marketing categories doesn’t fully reflect human experience which, at its best, is multi-generational. The other day I was walking in Columbia City and…

In Progressive Seattle, the Goal Is Always up Ahead

In Progressive Seattle, the Goal Is Always up Ahead

We haven’t always been a progressive city, but Knute Berger finds hope in our continuing efforts to be better

Many Seattleites did not agree with these 1964 demonstrators who wanted to end housing discrimination

Black History and Hitler's Ghosts, on Capitol Hill

Black History and Hitler’s Ghosts, on Capitol Hill

Reflections on Black History Month, the advancement of civil rights and the lingering specter of racism; yes, even in progressive Seattle

The Egyptian Theatre: Once a Masonic temple where pro-Hitler speeches were made

Milos Yiannpoulous: Ringling Brothers' Heir Apparent

Milos Yiannpoulous: Ringling Brothers’ Heir Apparent

The circus may be shuttering, but the alt-right provocateur remains a sideshow

The show goes on, in Milo Yiannpoulous’ twisted, incendiary circus

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