By Michael A. Stusser January 6, 2011

Reference ID Subject Created Origin 45SONICS0224 Handwritten note misfiled with documents for City of Seattle lawsuit over Sonics relocation. From Clayton Bennett to Seattle Symphony Director Gerard Schwarz: While our brand spankin new OKC symphony hall sits empty, our wallets do not. Perhaps the Maestro and the Mrs. would like to see what $52 mil…
This article originally appeared in the February 2011 issue of Seattle magazine.
Reference ID | Subject | Created | Origin |
45SONICS0224 | Handwritten note misfiled with documents for City of Seattle lawsuit over Sonics relocation. From Clayton Bennett to Seattle Symphony Director Gerard Schwarz: While our brand spankin new OKC symphony hall sits empty, our wallets do not. Perhaps the Maestro and the Mrs. would like to see what $52 mil can buy you in OK. OK? | 5/10/2010 | Seattle City Attorneys Office |
77WAAGR0526 | Confidential communique from Washington Wine Commission Executive Director Robin Pollard to French Wine Consulate (appellation dorigine controlee) Agent Pierre Vimonte. Pollard: Oui to exchange of 10,000 pounds of certified French wine country terroir (dirt) in exchange for 10,000 barrels of superior Washington wine. Caveat: Do not put your labels on our vino. [Note: Both parties involved deny involvement, but internal investigation has exposed repeated trips to chateaus in Cotes du Rhone and Bordeaux by Pollard with an extremely high number of checked bags.] | 9/10/2010 | Washington Department of Agriculture |
46MAYOR0517 | Internal memo from Mayor Mike McGinn to Chief of Staff Julie McCoy. OK, the tunnel contractors in [for Alaskan Way Viaduct demo and tunnel]. Realistically, the things gonna be way overdue (ka-ching for us when they miss deadlines!), so I think its prudent we go to Plan B: Insist on introducing the PW [prayer waiver] we talked about at dinner. All MVDs [motor vehicle drivers] will be required to sign a waiver releasing DOT from liability for damages in exchange for using DDR [double-decked roadway]. In the event of collapse (est. 2117), DOT can use plans/studies to imm. begin construction of tunnel, et al. | 08/16/2010 | Office Seattle Mayor |
79BOEING0718 | Transcript of confidential phone call between high-level Boeing executive (name redacted) and Airbus Chief Engineer Christian Favre. Subject: Joint operations for the troubled Dreamliner. Boeing Executive: Come on Chris, stop calling it the Nightmare-liner. Im looking for a little quid pro quo here if you want us to cut out the Chinese. All Im saying is you guys agree to build a few sections. Well paint it here. Another thing on the down low: For future test flights, were looking for countries with less visible runways and airspace…. Oh, and do you have a good electrician we can borrow? | 10/13/2010 | European Union antitrust investigation |
07APPLSOFT1001 | Transcript of phone call between Microsofts Bill Gates and Apples Steve Jobs. Subject: Future of web architecture. Gates: Look, Ballmers an over-caffeinated nut. Hes just not going to admit the Mac softwares better…. Still, any chance you can loan a few of your guys to help us with Zune? On our end, well help you trip Google. Jobs: Im open to this, Billy, if ya back off copying our iPad and admit you stole the Look & Feel in 85. Call dropped on Jobs iPhone. | 06/03/2009 | Federal Trade Commission |
68COSTCO0322 | Forwarded by a disgruntled now-former employee. From senior Costco executive to grocery, tires, wine, paper towel and carpet division heads. Subject: Downsizing. Must we have 12 of everything? Am sick and tired of requesting a single staffer work on a task and being told the team package must include 11 additional members. Just once I would like a single response to a product inquiry rather than a jumbo pack of e-mails! | 11/21/2010 | Department of Labor and Industries |