Washington Business Alliance, A New “Centrist” Business Organization in Olympia?
By Seattle Business Magazine April 23, 2010

A new business organization is out looking for members. The organization argues that it will do a better job representing the values of Washington businesses in Olympia. The organization is chaired by David Giuliani, CEO of Pacific Bioscience Laboratories.
Here is the pitch they are sending out to businesses across the state:
Bringing a business approach to policy solutions
Vision A state where businesses and communities are dynamic, prosperous, and sustainable.
Mission The Washington Business Alliance (WBA) is a statewide organization whose members are for-profit businesses of all types and sizes. The WBA advocates for strategic, creative and non-partisan public policies that promote private sector growth and community prosperity over the long-term.
Situation Analysis
Ideology, partisan politics and special interest influence have brought government to gridlock and waste, leading to widespread public frustration. Many business people believe in the importance of investing in our states future, but have lost confidence in governments ability to lead the way and execute well against a plan.
Far too often good policy is co-opted by narrow special interests focused only on the short term. Washington State faces serious long-term problems that call for sound, pragmatic long-term solutions. We are a state that relies on a highly educated workforce and thrives on innovation, but have some of the most poorly performing public schools in the nation. We depend on trade and cutting edge technology, but suffer from an inefficient transportation system and inadequate R&D funding.
We need a new dynamic direction, with practical business people playing a major leadership role. Business people can evaluate ideas from a broad-based and solution-oriented perspective, independent of political bias. Business people can help form a broad centrist consensus, and assert a voice strong enough to transcend partisan politics.
Businesses should lobby for policies that: ecourage economic growth; encourage innovative start-ups companies; protect and promote the state’s unique natural resources; Ensure an excellent public education system; provide a high quality of life to attract and retain key talent; and support a stable and sufficient state revenue stream.
The WBA believes that a strong, statewide, non-partisan business organization can help achieve these goals. No such organization currently exists. Instead, many statewide business associations are politically polarized, and so do not effectively address the states needs. We all want and enjoy the quality of life that is unique to the Pacific Northwest. A business organization like the WBA that lobbies for effective approaches to addressing our most pressing long-term issues in a pragmatic, thoughtful way will benefit the entire state.
Values & Strategy
The livability and prosperity of Washington communities is essential to business profitability. In turn, business prosperity is essential to long-term community well-being. Socially responsible and sustainable business practices both enhance private-sector success and improve the quality of life for all residents of Washington State.
To further these values of business prosperity, community well-being, and effective public policy, the WBA will actively engage in the legislative process. In doing so, it will:
- Promote polices that represent data-driven, best practices Seek ideas and examples from other states and regions, and engage policy institutes and issue experts to identify innovative approaches to solve long-standing problems.
- Promote cooperation and collaboration Work with existing business, government and community organizations on joint policy objectives.
- Pursue long-term, sustainable solutions Advance policies and legislation that benefit businesses across sectors over the long term, with a focus on quality of life for all residents of Washington.
- Direct its efforts to make a difference Measure success by real progress toward solving business and societal challenges, focusing on those areas where it can have the most impact.
The WBA will conduct research, build and maintain relationships with opinion leaders, work with lawmakers to develop legislative priorities, advocate and lobby for specific policy and legislation, and promote collaboration and cooperation with other organizations. We believe there should be competition among ideas, and collaboration among organizations promoting similar policy.
When businesses invest, innovate, and grow, the entire community benefits. To this end, the WBA will promote business-oriented public policy that:
- Ensures an advantageous business cost climate;
- Supports the institutions and services that produce a highly educated and healthy workforce;
- Promotes the development of abundant, clean, and cost-competitive energy; and
- Protects the natural environment, which attracts businesses and talented individuals to the region.
First Year Focus
In the long term the WBA expects to be active in many areas of public policy, including transportation and education. During its first year, however, we will focus on areas where business input is urgently needed, with strong prospects for successful results.
During its first year, the WBA will likely focus on three issue areas that serve these goals:
State revenue stabilization Businesses need a predictable and stable economic climate in order to invest and grow. To that end:
- Public policies should address the recurring state fiscal instability that leads to unpredictable taxation and unstable investments in infrastructure, education and social services;
- Taxation should be used as a tool to encourage entrepreneurial activity by supplying economic incentives for desired outcomes; and
- Economic incentives should be modernized and given specific sun-setting schedules, legacy exemptions should not be cast in stone, but should be re-justified or terminated. .
Cost effective health care Businesses need a healthy work force and the ability to curb the rising costs of health care. To that end:
- State policies should ensure that federal reform provides broad access to quality health care; and
- Promotes reductions in health care costs through market competition, emphasis on wellness outcomes, and strong employer and employee involvement.
Aligning business growth with our states long term vision. Given our natural resources and strong connection to the global economy, Washington should develop policies that promote the development of innovative new technologies and industries that preserve the value of our States natural resources for the long-term while simultaneously supporting the development of future growth industries. To that end:
- State policies should encourage research and innovation in clean and sustainable business practices, and clean energy development and production; and
- State policies should develop strategies for attracting entrepreneurs in these areas to Washington State.