Letters to the Editor
Our readers weigh in.
By Seattle Business Magazine April 28, 2016

This article originally appeared in the May 2016 issue of Seattle magazine.
As a resident of Seatac and one who works just south of Harbor Island, I share a much less enthusiastic view of the Port of Seattle. Little in your March issue addressed the negative impacts. And I question if Lance Lyttle, a man used to the wide-open spaces of Houston and Atlanta, can address the fact Sea-Tac Airport has no physical room to grow. We living around the airport view those underutilized properties as necessary buffer zones. Moving air traffic to Paine and Boeing fields is just a small Band-Aid. Do you think Magnolia residents will sit quietly at increased noise over their homes? Paine Field also sits among residential neighborhoods. And I question McChords feasibility. It is a military base, after all. The Port of Seattle needs to think outside the Puget Sound box, especially with cargo flights.
Challenge Seattle
Your recent article about Christine Gregoire and Challenge Seattle [Executive Q+A, March 2016] has been making the rounds in the economic development circles here in the Wenatchee Valley. The wildfires that were referenced, and for which the collection of Challenge Seattle CEOs donated funds, happened in our region last summer.
Seattle is our city, too, and though a mountain range may separate us, it does not divide us. As a regional neighbor, how can we help with their efforts?
Stacy Luckensmeyer
Center for Entrepreneurship
Wenatchee Valley College
Leaders in Health Care
I thank you sincerely for the honor of receiving the Health Care Lifetime Achievement Award. And thank you for such a wonderful event and article [2016 Leaders in Health Care Awards, March 2016]. I am humbled to have played a part in improving health care over the years and want to thank you for celebrating so many wonderful people and programs across the state.
Rich Umbdenstock