The faces of philanthropy within the Puget Sound business community
By Seattle Business Magazine October 29, 2010

McKinstry Co. and Delivery Express are among the faces of philanthropy within the Puget Sound business community.
McKinstry Co. and the McKinstry Foundation, founded by executive Dean Allen, are deeply devoted to local nonprofits, focusing on education, youth, global/health science, and community outreach.
Delivery Express of Renton and president Dave Hamilton literally go the extra mile to help nonprofits by donating deliveries and contributing time and money to the organizations. In addition, Hamiltons business sense and experience motivates him to ensure that the organizations he volunteers for are run as effectively and efficiently as possible.
This year both are being honored as Outstanding Philanthropists by The Association of Fundraising Professionals Washington Chapter. They will be recognized at National Philanthropy Day in Seattle on Nov. 18. This years theme is Faces of Philanthropy. Delivery Express is being named Outstanding Small Company and McKinstry Co. is being named Outstanding Philanthropic Corporation.
Although these two companies are being singled out this year, they certainly are not alone. Every company has the potential to be a face of philanthropy and many are. Whether they donate their time, money or support, their philanthropic efforts help make the Puget Sound region what it is today an internationally recognized leader in the support of nonprofits that work to improve life for all.
Even in these tough economic times, these philanthropists continue to step forward. Whether theyre donating a lot or a little, every bit counts with everything going toward keeping this community healthy.
You may have heard the recent news about Melinda and Bill Gates and Warren Buffett challenging the very wealthy to give away 50 percent of their wealth. Clearly the vast majority of people do not fall into the category of these billionaires. However, their challenge serves as an inspiration for everyone to get involved in philanthropy to the best of their ability.
Whether that means giving your time or your dollars, its a way to help others and the community in which we live.
We encourage individual companies to create their own challenges. Who is going to care about the small community nonprofit that affects the lives of so many people? Its those who live and work in the community where it exists.
And we challenge you to take part. Your time is valuable. Anything you can give to your favorite nonprofit organization will be appreciated. Your money is valuable too. The smaller gifts over time are just as important to helping sustain our community.
As is evidenced by Delivery Express and McKinstry Co. and the many other philanthropists working in the background – philanthropy is alive and well in the Puget Sound area Please join in.
[Scott Garrepy is President of AFP-Washington and Director of Development International Programs for Washington State University. Bob Peters is Washington State President for Bank of America.]