
Chef Tom Douglas Is Leading a Seattle Coalition to Save Bristol Bay

Chef Tom Douglas Is Leading a Seattle Coalition to Save Bristol Bay

The Seattle chef says we need to eat wild salmon to save them.

Have you noticed the billboard projection above Tom Douglas’ Palace Kitchen on Fifth Avenue? For the month of February, the projection rotated through slides all having to do with one subject: saving Bristol Bay. Located in southwest Alaska, Bristol Bay is one of the last places in the world to commercially catch wild salmon. As…

Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley Has a New Chef

Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley Has a New Chef

Alvin Binuya, the former executive chef at Ponti Seafood Grill, is making seafood sing at the swanky downtown venue.

No shocker, most people go to Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley for the world-class lineup of music. But there’s been a recent change in the kitchen that’s added a new sweet note to the experience. Seasoned chef Alvin Binuya has stepped into the lead role at the swanky downtown venue and the audience is taking notice.  To…

Book Bindery Speaks Volumes

Book Bindery Speaks Volumes

Does superstar chef Shaun McCrain live up to high expectations?

As a psychology major in college, I studied expectations. How both low and high expectations can turn into self-fulfilling prophecies. Part of my job as a restaurant critic is assessing what kind of potential a place has, and then judging whether it lives up to that potential. But there is also our expectation of a…

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