Big Idea

Cruise Clean With This Green, Seattle-Made Boat Motor

Cruise Clean With This Green, Seattle-Made Boat Motor

A Seattle-based company is making waves with a boat motor that's clean and green

CLEAR WATERS: Cruise guilt-free on a boat with an electric outboard motor

Ferries on Lake Washington? It's Not the Worst Idea

Ferries on Lake Washington? It’s Not the Worst Idea

It happened before, it could happen again

Lake Washington is a magnificent community asset, but it’s a barrier where traffic is concerned. Michael Christ has a solution. He’d like to reintroduce passenger ferries, which graced the region’s waterways from the 1850s to the 1930s. Christ, the CEO of Seco Development, who is betting heavily on Renton’s mixed-use waterfront development, Southport, pictures slow-moving,…

Dream Big: Seattle Mag Wants to Hear Your Big Idea For Improving Seattle

Dream Big: Seattle Mag Wants to Hear Your Big Idea For Improving Seattle

We want to hear what your one big dream is for Seattle. Share it and we might publish it!

What if you were in charge of Seattle—and had unlimited funds? What one single thing would you do to improve our city? Your answer can describe a project or idea that corrects a problem, rectifies a missed opportunity or creates an exciting new vision for our city. It can be as realistic (or as unrealistic!)…

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