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Ernst & Young’s Pacific Northwest Entrepreneurs of the Year

By Special to Seattle Business July 7, 2011


Each year Ernst & Young gives special recognition to outstanding entrepreneurs in a broad range of disciplines. These entrepreneurs, drawn from across the Northwest, are chosen by a panel of distinguished judges. Seattle Business magazine is proud to present this years winners and finalists.

Retail & Consumer Products

Emerging Sciences

Media & Entertainment




Financial Services


The judges who helped determine this years Northwest Entrepreneurs of the Year:

Patricia Bedient, CFO, Weyerhaeuser

Michelle Burris, CFO, OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals

Peter Chase, CEO, Purcell Systems

Dave Dandel, SVP, Evergreen Pacific Partners

J. Scott Di Valerio, CFO, Coinstar

Mark Dorman, managing principal, Endeavour Capital

Jeffrey Lyon, CEO, Kidder Mathews

James Jiambalvo, Dean, Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington

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