100-Best Companies to Work For
100 Best Companies To Work For Entry Form – 2020
By Seattle Business Magazine January 1, 2020

Seattle Business magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For program salutes Washington companies that foster great workplaces. For the upcoming 31st annual 100 Best Companies to Work For awards program, Seattle Business magazine is looking for the companies in Washington that set the standard for work environment, rewards and recognition, benefits, communications, responsibility and decision-making, and executive leadership. This is the list that all HR executives and company presidents want to be on because it is generated from feedback from their own employees.
The selection process for the 100 Best list is based on the anonymous responses to employee-survey questions developed from 25-plus years of market research. Qualifying companies that have filled out the online nomination form (see below) will be sent instructions later this year for administering the workplace surveys to all in-state, full-time employees. Your average score from these surveys will determine if you make the 100 Best Companies To Work For list.
The nomination period for the awards program has been extended and will remain open until further notice as we all deal with the still-unfolding coronavirus crisis. It’s more important now than ever for your company and its employees to be recognized during this difficult time, so take this opportunity to tell your company’s story.
- 1. Fill out the nomination form below to be in the running. The nomination period has been extended as we deal with this difficult time during the COVID-19 crisis.
- 2. When nominations do close later this year, your HR contact will receive an email from our survey provider, Fieldwork Webwork. This email will provide the survey which the HR contact at your company will be responsible for sending to all your FULL-TIME WASHINGTON STATE EMPLOYEES ONLY.
IMPORTANT: Please note that there is an employee participation requirement in order to qualify:
Small Companies (15-49 full-time WA employees) = 75% participation
Midsize Companies (50-150 full-time WA employees) = 50% participation
Large Companies (150+ full-time WA employees) = 25% participation
- 3. If your company makes the list, your HR contact will be contacted directly to announce the exciting news!
- 4. All companies that make the list will be invited to an awards banquet held in 2020, where Washington’s 100 Best Companies to Work For will be announced in real-time. Winners will be featured in Seattle Business magazine.
“A common theme across all these successful companies is transparent, communicative leadership and responsiveness to employee concerns,” says Seattle Business magazine Editor in Chief Rob Smith. “A positive company culture drives innovation and profit, boosts productivity, reduces turnover and creates employee enthusiasm.”
For sponsorship info, contact Tim Park at [email protected].
Check out the photos from the 2019 Best Companies To Work For Awards!