Should the government decide who you tip at restaurants?
Federal ruling could be the end of tip pooling across the country
There’s a big issue brewing in the restaurant industry, and it has nothing to do with culinary trends or rising chefs. The topic is tipping, which we’ve always thought of us as a private matter between a diner and his restaurant experience. But, it turns out that the federal government is eager to decide who…
Let’s Ban Tipping?
!–paging_filter–pspanWhat if tipping were banned? Sure, let’s get rid of this outdated custom. It’s not like leaving 20 percent at the end of the meal ever truly “ensures proper service.”nbsp;/span/ppThat was the provocative premise of a a href=”http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/04/dining/leaving-a-tip-a-custom-in-need-…“front page piece/a in Wednesday’s emNew York Times/em by critic Pete Wells, who wrote, “I could go on…