Seattle Schools
Bill Gates is Mad and Thinks You Should Be Too
In an interview for the October 2011 issue of Ebony magazine, Bill Gates makes it clear that he is none too happy about the state of public schools, namely those in inner cities. He points to it being a civil rights issue. And he wants to know why a strong social movement – especially in…
The Big Idea
If money were no object, what one thing would you do to fix Seattle?
Like most who live here, we’re fiercely in love with Seattle—but our love isn’t blind. Along with our singular natural vistas, thriving neighborhoods, leading-edge innovations and savvy, well-read locals, we have hideous transportation issues, under-performing schools and the all too common big-city heartbreakers: homelessness and hunger. If money were no object, what one thing would…
Editor’s Note: Big Ideas for Seattle Schools, Transportation and More
Recently, we asked movers and shakers in Seattle, "If you had a blank check with which to do anythi
Last May, inspired by a similar feature in St. Louis Magazine, we posed a question to dozens of our city’s leaders (and to our friends on Facebook and Twitter), asking them this: If you had a blank check with which to do anything to improve our city, what would you do? Every time someone’s “big…
Seattle Schools Serve Up Some Haute Lunch
The district’s just landed a brand-new food guru, whose bringing slow-food rules to the lunch line f
Paging Jamie Oliver! There are chicken nuggets and sausage-on-a-stick on the Seattle Public Schools’ lunch menu. The ravioli comes from a Chef Boyardee can. But like the popular British chef whose U.S. television documentary, Lunch Line, exposes the horrors of school lunchrooms, the Seattle school district’s new head of nutrition services, Eric Boutin, is fighting…