Kristen T. Ramirez

2009 Spotlight Award Winners

2009 Spotlight Award Winners

In case you just emerged from 12 months of living “off the grid,” we’re sorry to be the first to tell you: It’s been a rough year for the arts. (Also: Michael Jackson is dead. Seriously!) Not surprisingly, when the economy takes a dive, so do theater and arts attendance numbers. But it’s not all…

2009 Spotlight Award: Kristen T. Ramirez

2009 Spotlight Award: Kristen T. Ramirez

Artist Kristen T. Ramirez prioritizes place.

NAME: Kristen T. RamirezART FORM: Visual ArtsWEB SITE: kristenramirez.comNEXT UP: The grand finale of the bridge project on or near 9/12 (visit for details). Also see Ramirez’s visual work at Capitol Hill’s Grey Gallery in October/November ( “As an artist, I’m really not used to all this attention,” says Kristen T. Ramirez, climbing the…

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