
A Glimpse at the Frye's Creative Aging Programs

A Glimpse at the Frye’s Creative Aging Programs

What a UW professor's study tells us about creative engagement for those living with dementia

Museum-goers, old and young, gathered in front of a gallery wall full of centuries-old paintings to share ideas in an open discussion. Many of the participants, who were present and engaged throughout the 90-minute session, live with dementia. For nearly six years, the Frye Art Museum has facilitated “here:now,” an experiential arts program for people…

Therapeutic Arts

Therapeutic Arts

It may seem counterintuitive: Ask movement-challenged people to not only move, but dance; or those with memory issues to observe the details of paintings. But that is exactly what a collaboration between some Seattle arts groups and health care organizations is off ering to patients, and their caregivers, with Parkinson’s and dementia. Dance for Parkinson’s…

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