Big Foot

Sasquatch, Bezos and Seattle's Space Race

Sasquatch, Bezos and Seattle’s Space Race

A UFO sighting near Mount Rainer was the real start of our space age, says Knute Berger, and it fits right in with the Northwest psyche

A spooky model of the disk (UFO?) that Kenneth Arnold reported over the Cascades

The Truth About Bigfoot

The Truth About Bigfoot

From canyon to cave, the Sasquatch legend persists.

Rumors have circulated for years that Washington’s Cascades are the native habitat of Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch). Some certainly emanate from events that occurred (or not) one evening in 1924 in a canyon—ever since known as Ape Canyon (elevation: 4,200 feet)—southeast of Mount St. Helens. A group of miners shot at a mysterious 7-foot-tall apelike creature…

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