Have You Seen the Awesome Hidden Murals in Belltown?
Local and international artists have adorned a Belltown alley with spectacular murals.
It’s a treasure hidden in plain sight: the Belltown Corridor, an alleyway turned permanent installation, accessible from Second Avenue between Lenora and Blanchard. The block-long display of eight murals, created by artists from Seattle and from as far away as the Netherlands, is tucked behind the brand-new arcade bar Jupiter (Belltown, 2126 Second Ave.). “I…
After Spate of Closings, Georgetown Artists’ Hub Rises When We Need It the Most
A performing arts space in the South End offers its founders, and area artists, a place to call home in a swiftly changing city.
Dance Off From left: Dayna Hanson, Peggy Piacenza and Dave Proscia in their new performance space
Have You Seen the Awesome Hidden Murals in Belltown?
Local and international artists have adorned a Belltown alley with spectacular murals.
It’s a treasure hidden in plain sight: the Belltown Corridor, an alleyway turned permanent installation, accessible from Second Avenue between Lenora and Blanchard. The block-long display of eight murals, created by artists from Seattle and from as far away as the Netherlands, is tucked behind the brand-new arcade bar Jupiter (Belltown, 2126 Second Ave.). “I…
Moisture Festival’s Ron W. Bailey Makes It Rain
Former rocker Ron W. Bailey discovered vaudeville—and helped Seattle do the same with the Moisture Festival
Moisture Festival MC Ron W. Bailey presents slackrope walker Esther de Monteflores: “She studied for five years—it’s harder than tightrope. It’s not taut, it sways.”